Expansion and Growth

Harbor Launches in India as SME growth is on the rise

We are pleased to announce an expansion of our trade finance operations to India. This announcement comes after Harbor’s recent geographic expansion into Mexico in February and is part of the strategic roadmap to build Harbor’s global platform for SME’s.

Harbor’s ecosystem is growing at an exponential rate. As we continue to expand into key markets, we are focused on providing innovative and comprehensive solutions for our user base. Our franchise partners have the origination capacity and understand best practices in their respective markets. This is the key to building our global platform.

Harbor India is being launched through a franchise partnership with Blue Ocean, a Mumbai based asset manager and investment advisor focused on working capital and trade finance. The scope of Harbor’s offering in India will be receivables finance for the 63 million MSME sized businesses which represent 40 percent of all Indian export volume. India’s MSME segment represent 45 percent of industrial production and contributes around 30 percent to India’s GDP which is forecasted to be 8.4 trillion USD by 2030.

About Harbor

Harbor is the engine through which SME's can access cost effective, user-friendly and efficient financing for trade. In addition to working capital, the HarborTrade platform offers automation tools to improve visibility and operational efficiency among trading partners.

Harbor also provides a platform for retail investors, DeFi protocols and other traditional market participants to support such funding activities. With its unique distributed origination and distribution model, Harbor seeks to provide healthy risk-adjusted returns in support of ever-growing trade flows.

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